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Store Buyers & Dealers —
When was the last time you assembled a screwpost or ring-binder portfolio? No wonder so many creatives and business presenters have made the switch to only digital! This is 2017! Your current presentation products take too long to assemble, are outdated….and good luck customizing them with every brand edit. Start offering what they want: No sleeved inserts, no hole-punching or mounting! As fast as digital! https://www.luxbindportfolios.com/
Also, LuxBinds are made with the materials sophisticated, sustainability-minded creatives most prefer — natural bamboo, anodized aluminum, etc. — when displaying their best printed work, even fabrics. At a lower price point than other sophisticated lines and no need for accessories.
Newly patented portfolio system: Instant assembly: just print and clamp. No more hole punching or inserts and they firmly hold up to 50 pages of 20 lb. paper, more than enough. Editable without the need to rearrange order of pages. No tools needed. And, you can feature our 20-second LuxBind Assembly Video on your website to educate customers and faculty on these benefits.
Greater satisfaction. More referrals. Fewer returns! Customers are thrilled to get and use their LuxBinds. They offer more customizable features than any other system available. Leading art school professors recommend them, too. Customers have the flexibility of sliding in their own covers made from cardstock, leather or fabrics to tailor each presentation.
Less stocking issues of product line: Order as needed with low minimums. Display one and stack the rest. No need to add messy accessories to the shelves either since none are needed.
Sustainable, natural materials appeal to creatives! Stop offering them phony veneers, crinkly acetate inserts. Plus, LuxBinds are built to last and change for the brand, so this extends the product’s life.
Used by non-creatives as sales kits, tracing, sketching, etc: Expand your reach to these customers, too.
Made in Portland, Oregon USA: Creating jobs in the U.S.A.
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